Light in a dark place | Oil paintings by Robert Riggs
The medium in which I work is oil painting. I am primarily a still life painter.
People have commonly shared their homes with objects, functional or decorative, familiar comforting and even confronting. Objects in our society, the sheer volume of these(visit any mall or shopping centre) can dull the ability of the senses to appreciate the charm that rises from even the most humble of objects.
Through realist still life painting I enjoy engaging with the simple, to try and showcase something special.
Images courtesy of the artist L-R:
Robert-Riggs, Interior-with-flowers, oil on canvas, 2015
Robert Riggs, Teapot, oil painting, 2019
Robert Riggs, Clock with open book, oil paint, 2019
Robert Riggs, Yellow Cup, Oil on canvas, 2015
Front page Image:
Robert Riggs, Yellow Cup, Oil on canvas_2015 (detail)