Shop application
We offer three tiers of commission on sales:
Commission only: Stock is placed in SHOP on consignment and 33% commission is taken by Strathnairn Arts.
Service Team + Commission: Stock is placed in SHOP on consignment and 15% commission is taken by Strathnairn Arts. The minimum commitment to this tier is two shifts of three hours each, per month. We have an online “first-in-best-dressed” roster where you can request shifts which suit you.
Wholesale: A small amount of stock will be bought-in on a wholesale arrangement. These arrangements will be based on our turnover and costs of operation as well as ensuring our range is curated appropriately for the audience.
Things to consider
previous sales results (if you are a returning stockist),
comparable products or uniqueness,
quality of materials used,
finishing and presentation,
price point, and
how it fits into the collection.
If you are unsure or worried about any of these things in your application, please let us know.
Application for Shop membership