10 years at strathnairn
Different Strokes Art Group
Ellie Blackburn, Rosemary Brock, Lyne Dingwall, Ruth Dodd, Joan Fogarty, Ann Gould, Robyn Hanigan, Jay Kottege, Ruth Lathlean, Maureen Lawrentin, Phil Mead, Jenny Nolan, Jude Shanahan
Homestead Gallery 1 | 6 April - 1 May 2022
Artist Statement:
The Different Strokes Art Group has been painting at Strathnairn every Wednesday for ten years. The original group was formed by students of Michael Winters after he moved to Dubbo, as we wished to continue painting together. Some members have left the group and we have been joined by other artists looking to share their passion for art. Members have varying levels of experience and we enjoy sharing ideas and supporting each other. This was demonstrated during the first COVID19 shutdown when projects were set and photos of our finished works emailed to the group. There are currently 21 members.
Front Image: Maureen Lawrentin, abstract tree landscape, acrylic on canvas