Strathnairn Wood Firing Group
Benjamin Kendon, Craig Edwards, David Leake, Catherine Drinan, Emily Kerr, Galia Shy, Inge Zeilinger, Michael Adams, Sui Jackson, Susan Curran, Therese Rasanen, Trenna Langdon
On fire
Woolshed Gallery
4 - 26 November, 2023
The exhibition will be officially opened by Ian Jones at 3 pm, 4 November, 2023.
This new exhibition of wood-fired ceramic work comes from firings at Strathnairn from November 2021 until present.
Ceramic works range from raw clay forms with wood ash effects, large sculptural forms, to glazed pieces utilising ash effects from the long firing process. The group has been firing the large Groung Hog kiln twice a year. The process of preparing wood, work, packing, firing and unpacking involving lots of hours and teamwork.
Catherine Drinan
Galia Shy
Inge Zeilinger, Joy, Stoneware, chun glaze inside, unglazed outside