10 years of Different Strokes at Strathnairn
The Different Strokes Art Group has been painting at Strathnairn every Wednesday for ten years! The original group was formed by students of Michael Winters after he moved to Dubbo, so the group could continue painting together. Over time some members have left the group and other artists have joined looking to share their passion for art. Members have varying levels of experience and the group enjoys sharing ideas and supporting each other through thick and thin.
10 Years at Strathnairn is made up of 26 paintings all identical in size and orientation. Each artist has contributed two paintings in their own style and medium from collage to watercolour. Without an overarching theme the exhibition is colourful, varied and hangs well together thanks to the size, shape and curation of the pieces.
Ellie Blackburn - The Studio and Landscape
Ellie Blackman has always had an interest in the Arts. In 2002 she completed a guiding course at the National Gallery of Australia which led to her enrolment in Art courses learning under Richard Mahler, Leeanne Crisp, and Michael Winters. Ellie enjoys being a part of local Art groups and their communities around Canberra.
Rosemary Brock - Spring Anticipation and Winter Discontent
Rosemary Brock has been pursuing creative endeavours for many years. She has completed many different art classes to help her pursue painting and drawing. She has studied drawing, oil painting, watercolour, pastel, acrylic, and mixed media art classes, and completed classes with Jenny Young. She is also inspired by the late Tasmanian artist Paul Boam.
“I find the uses of colour in perhaps in unexpected ways exciting and it gives me much joy.”
Lyne Dingwall - Storm over Point Perpendicular and Autumn Light
Lyne Dingwall has been painting for over 25 years. She has worked with a number of tutors which include; Joshua Smith, Reg Campbell, James Wynn, Tony Mason, Kasey, Doug Sealy, and Michael Winters.
Lyne’s landscape artworks are inspired by Bathurst and Canberra because she grew up in those areas. Her work is diverse and shows different mediums and methods, her works include different landscapes, still life, and portraits.
Ruth Dodd - Beach Debris and Breaking Wave
Ruth Dodd’s interest in art originated from her father at an early age, and still is an interest and activity she enjoys. She studied at East Sydney Art School which is now called the National Art School. She was notably taught by Phyllis Shillito, Herbert Badham, Thomas Gleghorn.
After studying cartography Ruth used her mapping and design skills to help her produce paintings which include rural/urban landscapes, still life, and portraits.
Joan Fogarty - Murrumbidgee Twilight and Adaminaby Fire Trail
Until 2020, Joan Fogarty lived towards the top of the Yaouk Valley in the Snowy Mountains.
“I am constantly inspired by the ever changing and stunning scenery around me. I like to use a variety of mediums, in particular pastels, as I believe each can capture a different dimension of the landscape.”
Ann Gould - Artichoke and Stonehenge
Ann Gould has studied art through the Australian National University Visual Arts Access Programme, courses with established artists including, Leanne Crisp, Naomi Geske and Michael Winters.
For the past 14 years Ann Gould has been painting with many different art groups and working on her own style. Ann mainly uses acrylic paints because of the level of flexibility they provide. She also mainly does paintings of landscapes ‘my main subject is landscape in which my love of colour is a dominant feature. I also love to experiment with different mediums’
Robyn Hanigan - Flowers in the Forest and Wild Poppies
Robyn Hanigan has always had an interest in craftwork and has experimented in a variety of activities including, spinning, weaving, pottery, crochet, and tatting.
Robyn has attended courses about silk painting, watercolour, Landscapes with acrylic paint and pastels, as well as drawing and painting flowers. This all helped her and inspired her work to this day. Robyn continues to enjoy art activities and workshops with the Different Strokes Art Group Community.
Jay Kottege - Sunny Side of the Hill and The Gulls of Cape Byron
Jay Kottege has always had a talent for painting and drawing ever since a young age. When Jay studied Science he moved to Canberra to pursue his career in that area, there was limited time for his art. He still followed art sources from ANU School of Art, Noel Ford, Romola Templeman, Helen Fitzgerald, and John Vance.
After retirement Jay has devoted his time to his love of drawing, and painting using several media.
Ruth Lathlean - Pattern Folly and Colour in Nature
Ruth Lathlean was a teacher in Geography and Photography, she taught in highschools and colleges.
Retirement gave her more opportunities to pursue her love of art which was first nurtured by her art teacher in high school. She has explored many different media such as drawing, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, printmaking, and mixed media. Some of her teachers include Noel Ford, David Hatton, Tom Parsons, Michael Winters, Peter Griffen, Jo Hollier, and Marianne Courtenay. For multiple years Ruth has been a part of “Different Strokes” and enjoys being a part of their community.
Images Maureen Lawrentin - Abstract Tree Landscape and Hawaiian Pineapple
Maureen Lawrentin discovered a passion and love for drawing and painting when she attended classes at the Royal Art Society. A few years afterward she attended Julian Ashton Art School, The Rocks for 18 months. Maureen then ‘continued to draw and paint intermittently over several years.’
On coming to Canberra Maureen partook in portrait and life drawing/painting classes in the Institute of Art with Bernard Hardy and Sue Taylor. Maureen now is a part of the “Different Strokes Art Group” and continues to contribute to the community with her art.
Phil Mead - Swimmers Perspective and Floating Between Earth and Sky
After enjoying and pursuing photography for many years Phil took up painting and drawing in 1995he commenced classes at the ANU School of Art open Program.
Phil Mead enjoys ‘painting interiors, gardens, genre style subjects, street and market scenes as well as still life subjects with an interest in the surprises that everyday life can present.’ ‘My favourite starting points for paintings include my darden, being out and about in Canberra and surrounds, travel scenes (when possible) and architecture and landscape features of our local region. Now Phil enjoys being a part of the “Different Strokes art group” with his friends.
Jenny Nolan - Sunflower and Gum Leaves
After retirement eight years ago Jenny Nolan decided to take up painting with the encouragement from her late mother. ‘This was one of the best decisions I have made as it gives me so much enjoyment.’
Jenny’s late mother, Yvonne Wildash, was a talented and successful artist. She taught Jenny until she sadly passed away in 2012. Jenny attended multiple semesters at Strathnairn taught by Michael Winters. She mainly works with acrylics but also enjoys working with pastel and watercolour.
Jude Shanahan - Bagged and Out of the Bag
Jude Shanahan has studied art at East Sydney Technical College, focusing and majoring in printmaking. She has also attended many of the evening non-award classes at the Canberra School of Art
Since retiring in late 2012 Jude has enjoyed painting portraits, landscapes, still life as well as combining collage with painting. She joined the Different Strokes Group in 2015