Surface | photography by Ossian Desmond-Jones
The exhibition consists of twelve photographs on the theme of 'surface', in particular the surfaces of trees in my area when exposed to rain.
The overcast or rainy conditions provide a completely different kind of light that is flat and even, so surfaces tend to appear much duller.
However, when water flows across some of these surfaces they suddenly respond boldly in a way differing greatly from being under strong sunlight.
Colours that are often subtle or hidden are suddenly brought to the fore, completely changing the palette. The way the water travels along a surface selectively brings these changes into stark contrast.
These differences highlight faces of our environs that we may otherwise take for granted. The intention of this exhibition is to provide a glimpse into a world that is emergent yet temporary.
Images: Courtesy of the artists
Greenway street No. 1, Ossian Desmond-Jones, 2018, Digital Print
Greenway street No. 2, Ossian Desmond-Jones, 2018, Digital Print
University Drive South, Ossian Desmond-Jones, 2018, Digital Print