Kathleen Potts

Gather in the scene

Woolshed Gallery

3 June to 25 June

Official opening: 2 pm, Sunday 4 June.

Kathleen Potts presents a body of new work in paint and drawings in this solo exhibition exploring impermanency.

Using landscapes familiar to the local residents of the ACT (Shepherds Lookout, Uriarra Crossing, Dickson Wetlands, etc), Potts alters these settings through gestural mark making and colour to present temporary connections to reimagined scenes.

Potts investigates how personal narrative is influenced by the subjective memory of place and intends her work to elicit a personal and emotional response.

Artist statement

Art making for me is an opportunity to bridge the worlds of the real and the imagined, these inner and outer landscapes of being.

The physicality and presence of the artist on the surface of the work is important to me. I layer, scrape and mark surfaces, it is not unusual to see palm lines and fingerprints imprinted and smudged onto the work. I often start work on the floor and switch and move position constantly, challenging my interpretation of the space before me.

I also enjoy working at night where colour is altered under artificial light. The work transforming again by day in unexpected and playful ways.

My goal is to evoke curiosity and stir emotion within the viewer to reaffirm connection to place, the spaces we move through and temporarily share together.



Craig Edwards, Atmosphere | 1O May - 4 June


Fiona Richmond, Revival | 7 June - 2 July